Tuesday, April 19, 2011

"Breaking down" Broken Capillaries (Telangiectasia Rosacea)

Broken capillaries, couperose, spider veins, also known as its medical term, Telangiectasia Rosacea, is often found in rosacea, aging and mature skin types. What is it exactly you might ask? Broken capillaries are exactly that, broken. The capillary walls become dilated and fill with blood, sometimes bursting. Common areas affected tend to be in the corner of the nose, the top of the nose, cheeks and chin.

  • Heredity
  • Alcohol
  • Smoking
  • Sun damage
  • Harsh cosmetics
  • Trauma
  • Pregnancy
  • Excess localized heat
  • Topical corticosteroids
  • Inflammation
  • Heat/cold fluctuations

Ways to prevent and minimize telangiectasia rosacea are simple.

1. Wash your face with luke warm water, never HOT!
2. Be gentle when washing your face or applying makeup.
3. Apply sunscreen daily.


There are some expensive and inexpensive ways to reverse couperose.

1. Choose medical grade products that are high quality, effective and recommended by a skin care therapist. My go-to skin care line is PCA SKIN. Results, reliability and inexpensive!

2. Another inexpensive treatment are chemical peels. Peels are a great way to attack any skin care issue head-on, see results and improve your skin.

3. Lastly, laser treatments are an effective way to "sink" the broken capillaries down beneath layers of the skin. However, this treatment tends to be given in multiple series and is the more costly route.

I hope this information "cleared up" any questions or thoughts about broken capillaries. Please take all this information in and use it to your advantage!

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