Saturday, March 12, 2011

5 Key Questions To Ask Your Esthetician!

While many sidestep professional skin care experts, a short visit can enhance your skin care regimen — so take advantage of professional expertise and make an appointment today. To get the most out of your visit, here are five fundamental skin care questions to ask.

If you’ve never consulted with an Esthetician, you may be missing out on some vital information that could help your skin.

1. What skin care products should I be using each day?

Makeup counters and store shelves are overflowing with products. Unless you have a thorough understanding of your skin type and condition — which may change with seasons or age — it’s tough to decide which products are right for your routine.
By examining your skin, an Esthetician can explain what products you should use, skip and combine in your regimen based on your skin’s type (i.e. dry or normal) and condition (i.e. acne-prone or aging). In addition to the face, he or she can address what skin care steps and formulas you can add to maintain youthful, radiant skin elsewhere on the body.

2. Are the products I'm using at home okay to use along with the products and/or procedures that you gave me? 

Some products used at home may not work well with professional procedures or prescriptions. Some acne treatments, for example, may heighten skin’s sensitivity to the sun, making it necessary to increase the SPF and include other measures of sun protection in your routine. Or, if professional chemical peels are a regular part of your routine, it’s important to avoid exfoliating face washes and certain harsh ingredients. Always discuss the products you already use with your Esthetician before undergoing a procedure or topical treatment to ensure a safe, effective and cohesive regimen.

3. How can I reduce my risk of skin cancer?

A Esthetician can offer you information on what sunscreen to use, how to properly use it and what other clothing and products are out there to help shield your skin from harmful rays. In addition, he or she can provide important information about the role of screening in skin cancer prevention.

4. What are some of the signs of skin cancer, and how often should I have my moles checked?

Typically, when it comes to surviving or minimizing the risks associated with skin cancer, the earlier it’s detected the better. The doctor’s office is the perfect place to learn how to recognize the early signs of cancer and how to incorporate professional and at-home screening into your routine.
Be sure to ask you refer to a dermatologist on how to do a self-exam for skin cancer. Also, he or she can recommend how often to schedule professional screenings based on your:
  • Family history of skin cancer
  • Childhood history of sunburns
  • Complexion
  • Number of freckles and moles

5. What's the most important thing I can do to slow the effects of aging on my face?

Sunscreen is a must in the fight against aging and preventive care . Beyond that, a Esthetician can recommend a personalized anti-aging plan that includes the procedures, ingredients and products that are appropriate for your skin type. Always be honest about your skin care regimen — including any history of smoking and sun exposure. This is vital information for your Esthetician to create an effective anti-aging (or any other skin type) skin care routine. 

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