Like anything else in the world, as time goes on, things begin to breakdown. However, if you consistently maintain a routine, you will prevent premature damage. That's right, I'm talking about premature skin damage.
Aging, a.k.a mature skin are changes of the skin structure due to degradation and elasticity over time. Included is a combination of multiple physiological and environmental factors. Aging/mature skin is categorized by two types of aging: intrinsic and extrinsic.
Intrinsic aging refers to the physiological breakdown due to genetics and the passage of time. There is a natural loss and a decrease of fat tissues, elastin, collagen and cell turnover (the rate your skin naturally exfoliates and reproduces) over time.
Extrinsic aging refers to environmental factors and it is considered preventative. Sun exposure, unhealthy lifestyle, gravity, environmental pollutants and chronic inflammation contribute to the breakdown of the skin's structure. Over-exposure to any of these factors will increase the likelihood of premature aging.
How to control and prevent mature and aged skin?
1. Gently exfoliate and increase cell turnover: exfoliation may include a simple scrub, mask or peel. Vitamin A derived and botanical products will increase cellular proliferation, allowing healthy cells to reproduce quicker.
2. Increase skin proteins and hydration: products with AHA, peptides, botanicals and vitamins are key ingredients to look for in a skin care line.
3. Inhibit pigmentation and protect from UV exposure- UVA/UVB spectrum sunscreens are mandatory.
Here's a little food for thought: Studies have shown that extrinsic aging is responsible for up to 85% of aging/mature skin.
PCA SKIN’s medical grade products incorporate the latest in medically and scientifically researched ingredients to nourish, hydrate and rejuvenate skin, delivering optimal results. Free of color additives, synthetic fragrances, harsh alcohols, comedogenic oils and other known sensitizers, they are designed to deliver results without irritation and are especially effective for helping to treat such varied skin conditions such as acne, psoriasis, hyperpigmentation, rosacea and fine lines and wrinkles.